日本財団 図書館


per meter rail laid on steel sleepers with a spacing of 75 en'. The rail were fixed by spikes with fish-plates. The ruling gradient for Royal Cambodian RAwa',s on this line and is 7 per mu.
-The southern line, this line, which is know as the new line, has 7 steel bridges only with a total length of 475 meters and 90 of reinforced concretc bridges with a total length of 2,910 meters, it was built between 1960 and 1969 for a maximum 20 tons axle load using 12.5 meter length of 43 kilogram per meter rail laid on wooden sleepers spaced at 70 cm. The first 136 Km were laid with continuous ~velded rail and fixed with griffon clip while the remains was built using the conventional method. The track was designod with 300 meter radius curves.
During and after war years maintenance of Railway suffered heavily on account of security problems and lack of resources going into emergency repairs of track and bridges damaged by mines and attacks.
Rolling stock
Royal Cambodian Railways has following holding of rolling stock


The locomotives and wagons are in very poor condition due to the lack of maintenance.
The old steam locomotives are beyond economic repair. Only 15 main diesel locomotives remained in serviceable condition.
Royal Cambodian Railways operates the following locomotives. There are 6 hood units built by Althom in 1967, five twin cab units with the same engine delivered in 1969, and four hood units delivered from CKD Prague in 1991 and 1992. There are also 7 shunters French manufacture delivered in 1956 and two shunters froni CKD. delivered in 1992
There are 20 passenger cars, 10 were supply Viet-Nam, and 8 are refurbished trailer cars from diesel multiple units and two is of French origin. There are some 170 freight cars currently in service almost 50% being box car. Actual numbers are being more and more in flat cars in modified to box ears, by increasing the demand of growth in traffic. Special Rehabilitation Assistance and World Bank has been working to refurbish some 93 cars during 1995-1996 as well as carry Out running repairs to the ~vorking cars. There are 15 box cars were delivered from India.
Royal Cambodian Railways in 1995-1996 operates 3 trains per day at a maximum speed of 35 kilometer per hour determined by the condition of the track and security reasons, one on the northern line between Phuom Penli and flattambang. one on die southern line between Phnom Pcnh and Sihanoukville and one shuttle train between Battambang-Sisophon. Daylight only operations are in force. In case of extra goods to be carried at the same time some extra trains operate approximately weekly to clear remaining traffic. The maximum capacity of weight handed is now restricted to 850 tons, with the trailing weight of the train normally limited to 700 tons, maximum speed is 35 kilometer per hour, the average speed being around 20 kilometer per hour. In 1993, RCR carried 130,000 tons and about 34,100,000 ton-km and 1995 the volume of goods





